From the left... the first one is undoubtedly me, followed by the little red apple-Jacinda ( pretty isn't it? Damn lucky hor me? ), Sook Kien, for which is called the sexy girl in our form 5 class ( though i doubt that, nevertheless, she has a lovely personality and some beauty too... hard to find someone with such inner and outer beauty... other one with such perfection is jacinda! ), the most right is another nice and adorable friend of mine- Hui Hui. Cute name right? Just judging from her name make you feel that she is a wonderful person to meet with already.
This is a boy gang.... well you surely can say that! The one left-est is Kuang Seng, a friend that evolve surprisingly in form 5. In form 4 i could say that no many people even notice his presence, who would know that he truly makes his presence felt in form 5 by pairing up with my former partner ( i mean sitting ) Yee Siang, the one who stand next to him in this photo. Yee Siang has been regarded as one of the most talented chinese chess player in Kwang Hua, well, he is the one who truly teach me to be good, but not the best though...haha! The one standing at the centre is the one i said earlier who is missing, the member of my gang, Chong Tat! He is a guy that slightly... i mean just slightly better looking than me, maybe slightly more gentleman...erm... maybe slightly honest person than me... ok slightly better man than me. Damn... talking about another great guy again... Chung Guan ( second from right ) is a truly wonderful person... his only weakness according to some girls ( but for me is a strength ) is the fact that he is stingy... well girls are complicated aren't they? Last but not least... me of course on the most right... OKOK no introduction needed i know that... no need to show that faces! Haha!!!
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