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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Melissa Pillay

Ok...19 of Jan...Well...Melissa Pillay is my girlfriend now. I will try to put Kit Yee behind my head now...Those that remains...might just be the sweet memories between us. Yes, i will still be always whenever anyone need a help... That is the promise to all my friends ;)

Melissa Pillay...i have blogged about her before...making some short introduction about her. To be was indeed shocking that it all happened to this stage...when i realised that i will go overseas soon. One that made her being such an impression in me...was perhaps afterall....'her' first! Melissa is another scorpio like her, good in English as well (we communicate in English) background, personality and so at times do make me feel that she is a replicate to her. But NO! It may not be long that we know each other...but considering all the time in Windmill....most of the time, we will be standing together and talking...I don't find it a surprise....considering...everyone in Windmill calling us couple or husband and wife....that is how close we are in Windmill...

One thing for sure...Melissa does knows about the fact that she might be living in her shadow... since...they are quite alike in some areas. But she believe in me that all that remains is only memories...and that might sounds ridiculous for some....but well...she is willing to try out the long distance relationship....having confidence and faith in me. I understand...for most of my friend...that this might just be another joke...considering how sad i was just approximately 1 month ago....and now boom!!! A new girlfriend... Melissa might get a is possible that because both of us got hurt just a while ago...and that...we kind of met each other in a right place and right time....and that maybe we just want each other to fill in the emptiness.... Well...i don't know, what i want to say is... another relationship....both seemingly commited...and both like each other. Kit Yee was my first love....those memories in college were impossible to be erased...nor replaced. But now,i thought perhaps it is an opportunity for both Melissa and me to try out a new relationship....after all...just like Kit Yee...Melissa has a her-so-called-lauzy-close-friend...everything just too thing i hope not same perhaps the outcome of the relationship....

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