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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Gang reunion

Well,Tze Sin told me last week that today our gang will go out together....maybe for the last time before i yea, i only work during lunch time and after that we went out. We had a seafood steamboat buffer dinner just opposite Sunway Pyramid. We like started eating at 5.30(the few earliest table that time) and stopped eating at 8 like that...haha holy shit,i almost threw out everything when i rushed to bathroom. Talking about our gang, it actually expanded! Haha, i meant that the number of gang increased by 1. Of course, that was Choon Long...Tze Sin boyfriend (not you la cy) haha XD. There were times i called Choon Yon instead, how embarrassing.Oh yea, not forgetting that they made something for me...well...i guessed i should just give all the credits to Tze Sin, Siok Kim and Choon Long gua...haha, they were probably the one making it...The weird...but the thoughts that count...and it is so sweet of you all(ts and sk especially).Thank you too Chung Guan and Chong Tat that despite you all have school during are willing to spend your rare...evening free time with me ;) We kind of left at about 8.45...after Siok Kim molested me XD...sounds so wrong haha... That time, ts was like punching my chest for fun...then after she said, i got...'breast' know the outcome of it? Ts was like holding my arms, and sk was trying to touch!!! What the hell!!! I liked kept retreating nia haha,sk! You really scared the shit out of me haha ;) Even when we left, i was so scared when you wanted to hug me that time haha! Anyway, thanks for everything la you all...I will miss you guys...but seriously, i might not be back even during the semester break...lets see how thing goes la...

The picture below is the thing they make specially for me...thanks a lot!

*Actually the one making it was just ts...haha i knew it the next day and so i i will say it here.
*Sorry ts boyfriend...Jun Loong, i spelled wrongly your name...haha...sorry ya ;)

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