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Monday, June 23, 2008

Poor weekend

It is the same little Saturday as always...lazy which explain why i wake up at 9am...well it might be early for some people...but not for me. However i woke up only to find myself...not naked of course... but full of rashes! I have no idea at all how it happened but all of a whole body feels itchy and i just couldn't stand it at all... and my both my hands had been badly dehydrated, i believe is caused by the diffusion of chemicals into my hands the time i do not wash my hand cleanly. What a nightmare for me to sleep on air conditioner as it will worsen my hand, fans will just make me feel damn itchy... And in the end, i couldn't do any of the home works... or even wake up for Euro 2008 matches as i clearly exhausted just to not lose my battle of resolution and will with the itchyness i suffered the whole weekend. Just hope this will ends sooner as i clearly don't want to miss Germany game. They are the champions and if not watching they all play... who else right?

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