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Friday, January 22, 2010

Death is just meter away...

Today i driving back to home...on my way, i passed by the ever-under-construction Klang new bridge...and there was where I almost died...and maybe just...some serious injury to my important right arms.

Frustrated following a lorry in that area...and looking at my right, the van is slightly behind my car. Without having another check, I slammed the accelerator and next moment, I have a quick right turn to my right. Probably at that time, the heaven shined on me, and when I have another look behind my right shoulder, I could see nothing but a silver metallic right in my eyes. Absolute shocked but luckily alert enough, I turned my car immediately in an opposite direction. That van driver did not even have the time to hon me...and luckily enough I am, I spotted the van at the very last moment. I steadied my car and quickly I winded down the window and punch my hands high into the sky...with all five fingers pointing to the sky...(an apologetic hand sign...well at least that is the case for me)

After that incident, for a full minute, not even a vehicle (including that van) dare to passed by my car. When I turned off the engine, I could not help but wondered what could have happened if I had not make that quick second turn... That was when I woke up...and knew that I would have brought along some truth with me.

Life can short...and it can be taken from you anytime...and because of that, at some point, I am afraid I will not be able to say something to some important persons... Letting them know that how much they have mean to me...(hey come on, don't just think of love in this kind of scenario haha :D)

1 comment:

san said...

be careful ma wen driving... think wat o ??? if stress, go training la... ^^

take care. i stil wan get ang pow from u years later .. xD